The Implementation


The Devinstaller system consist of 3 parts:

The specification file

It is refered as the spec file. Defaults to: devfile.toml

The specification file is your static, declarative config file.

This is the meat of the system. When you run the command the runtime starts looking for the spec file in you current directory.

First the runtime loads up the file and validates it. Once that’s done based on your commands it starts the execution cycle.

The execution cycle is where it gets interesting but we will talk that later.

There are 2 ways to use other programming languages:

  1. Native support

  2. Handing over the execution cycle

The program file

It is refered as the prog file. Defaults to

This forms the interface between the spec and the runtime.

The Devinstaller runtime

It is refered as the runtime.

The part which executes the instructions.

The runtime consist of 2 parts:

The runtime core

It is refered as the core.

The core contains only the logic required for the validation of the spec and starting the execution cycle.

The execution handler

This is what most of the application code consists of.